Open Quantum Hardware Projects

a list of quantum open hardware projects.

This is thought as a collaborative repository where everyone can add projects that belong to open hardware in quantum science and technology. For open-source software projects in quantum computing, there is the excellent repository by the Quantum Open Source Foundation, with the awesome repository, which includes experimental quantum computing packages.

A list of projects is already added to this open-quantum-hardware list, but feel free to add more, by opening a pull request, or, if you are not familiar with git, opening a descriptive issue.

Blueprints for hardware design

  • pyEPR is standing out for superconducting qubits as a platform to design quantum processors. Originally developed at Yale, it is now used by tens of research groups in Northern America, Europe, and beyond.
  • Qiskit Metal - Quantum hardware design and analysis for superconducting qubits.
  • KQCircuits - KLayout Python library for integrated quantum circuit design

Remotely-controlled laboratories

  • Chris Monroe’s article highlighted the implementation of software for remote labs.
  • ColdQuanta’s Albert: a Bose Einstein Condensate controlled from the cloud.

Automate processes in the labs, for example for data acquisition:

  • QCodes, a Python-based data acquisition framework developed at research centers in Copenhagen, Delft, Sydney, and at Microsoft Research.
  • Auspex, the AUtomated System for Python-based EXperiments, is a framework for performing laboratory measurements.
  • LabScript, Python based framework for experiment composition, control, execution, and analysis. Developed for quantum science and quantum engineering; deployable in laboratory and in-field devices. Used for example, with PennyLane
  • QLAB.
  • ARTIQ, which stands for Advanced Real-Time Infrastructure for Quantum physics is a software that provides fast control for trapped ions enhanced by the use of FPGAs. Developed at NIST, then National Institute for Standard and Time.
  • qupulse, a software created at QuTech specifically designed to implement pulse-level control of quantum spins in the lab.
  • OpenPulse, and Qiskit Pulse (arxiv).
  • Quantify: Quantify is a python based data acquisition platform focused on quantum computing and solid-state physics experiments.
  • Instrument Kit: Python package for interacting with laboratory equipment over various buses.
  • Instrumental: Instrumental is a Python-based library for controlling lab hardware like cameras, DAQs, oscilloscopes, spectrometers, and more.

Open-source software for hardware characterization and optimization

  • Quantum optimal control, noise calibration, error mitigation, has a side that is amenable to extend hardware into open-software.
  • C3, an optimal control software with a full quantum state simulator developed mainly at Julich and University of Saarland within the framework of the EU’s open quantum computer, OpenSuperQ, which has an attention to open accessibility. (arxiv)
  • Mitiq, the open source software being developed at Unitary Labs, the R&D arm of Unitary Fund, which can provide customizations with tight integration with specific executors.